We invite your group to take a look at Montana

Perks of Group booking

Whether it is a big school class on a study trip, the corps going on a weekend adventure, a group of friends who wants to climb Ulriken, or the choir needs a place to spend the night, we are here to ensure you have a fantastic time!
Our strategic location, free parking, complete breakfast, luggage storage and convenient packed lunches are all there to turn your Bergen visit into a fantastic memory.

Reduced prices


Free bus parking

Luggage storage

free Breakfast

Packed lunches

group meals

Conference Room

You can send us an email or use the contact form and we'll get back to you. Don't forget to include the arrival and departure dates, as well as the number of guests in the group.



Contact us for a special group offer

Please complete the details below and then click on Submit and we’ll be in contact.